Slideshow Constructor 59053 - PRMPRO Templates
PRMPRO CC 2017.1 | 1920X1080 (HD) | NO PLUG-INS | 348.17 MB
PRMPRO CC 2017.1 | 1920X1080 (HD) | NO PLUG-INS | 348.17 MB
Slideshow Constructor - is more than just a slideshows template for PRMPRO. This is unusual toolkit for creating unique videos and saving your best memories.
A huge number of slides: the project contains 348 pre-made scenes with three types of aspect ratio: album, square, portrait. For your convenience,
the project already contains 4 ready-to-use slideshows. However, you can create your own a completely unique slideshow. To do this,
just take a look at the detailed video tutorial. This product is perfect for wedding, anniversary, travels,
memories of childhood, corporate, fashion and much more.
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* Внимание! Данная новость создана более 2 лет назад.
Вероятность что ссылки рабочие очень низкая.
Вероятность что ссылки рабочие очень низкая.