Christmas and New Year Opener - PRMPRO Templates 142551
PRMPRO CC 2017 | 1920X1080 (HD) | Required Plugins : None | RAR 379.70 MB
PRMPRO CC 2017 | 1920X1080 (HD) | Required Plugins : None | RAR 379.70 MB
Christmas and New Year Opener is a modern, short slideshow and elegant showcase of your logo. Woody and fantastic clocks of particles will show your family photos and help
celebrate the New Year and Christmas. This template contains 1 editable text, 1 logo placeholder, and 7 video/image placeholders. A fantastic slideshow to show off
your special occasions, memories, friends, family, vacations and holidays photos or as an intro to your TV shows and advertising. This project is made
with a large number of complex effects and at the same time does not require special plug-ins to create an impressive slideshow.
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* Внимание! Данная новость создана более 2 лет назад.
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Вероятность что ссылки рабочие очень низкая.