Cinematic Slideshow 310182 - PRMPRO Templates
PRMPRO CC 2018 | Full HD 1920X1080 | Required Plugins : None | RAR 78.21 MB
PRMPRO CC 2018 | Full HD 1920X1080 | Required Plugins : None | RAR 78.21 MB
Cinematic Slideshow is a cool and beautifully designed PRMPRO project that features 21 photo or video placeholders and
12 editable text placeholders. Modern animation and fresh design make this template unique. It can be a wonderful
intro or opener to your commercials, TV shows, Youtube videos, corporate presentations, traveling,
business slideshows, promotions, and upcoming events. This template is very simple to
customize. Just drop your videos or photos into the timeline placeholders,
change the text, and you're done. It is that simple.
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Только для личного пользования! / For personal use only!
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* Внимание! Данная новость создана более 2 лет назад.
Вероятность что ссылки рабочие очень низкая.
Вероятность что ссылки рабочие очень низкая.